Privacy Policy

Last update: May 22nd, 2024

AI Web Solutions Leader appreciate your interest in reviewing this Online Privacy Policy. We value your privacy and we aim to outline the information we gather from you when you engage with our website or utilize authorized features or applications associated with this policy. AI Web Solutions Leader is committed to thwarting unauthorized data access, upholding data precision, and guaranteeing the proper utilization of information. We endeavor to establish fitting physical, electronic, and managerial precautions to protect the information gathered online. These security measures align with our policies and comply with the legal and regulatory standards of the State of Florida. The subsequent details outline the Internet privacy policy and procedures that AI Web Solutions Leader follow on their website. Nevertheless, from a legal standpoint, it should not be interpreted as a binding commitment, and AI Web Solutions Leader retains the authority to modify it at any time without prior notification. AI Web Solutions Leader's responsibilities regarding privacy and public records are regulated by relevant Florida statutes and federal laws of the United States. Specifically, this policy provides details about:

1. The State of Florida Public Records Notice

You are not obliged by law to furnish any details on our website. However, certain basic technical information is essential for the functioning of our website. While the absence of non-essential technical details from your browser won't hinder your website usage, it might affect the functionality of specific features. If optional information is requested on the website and not provided, you may not be able to access certain features or services associated with that part of the webpage. According to Florida law, email addresses are considered public records. If you wish to prevent your email address from being disclosed in response to a public records request, refrain from sending electronic mail to AI Web Solutions Leader. Instead, reach out to the relevant office or individual via phone or mail.

2. Information We Collect

When accessing the AI Web Solutions Leader's website, a set of client information and both essential and non-essential technical details, collectively termed as access information, are automatically gathered. This website does not collect any additional information unless deliberately provided by you, such as through email correspondence. Below are examples of both access information and optional information:

Access Information (automatically collected):

Optional information (deliberately sent):

3. How We Use Collected Information

AI Web Solutions Leader typically does not track individual visitor profiles but does analyze aggregate traffic and access information for resource management and site planning purposes. However, AI Web Solutions Leader retains the right to use log details for investigating resource management or security concerns.

Access Information:

Client information aids in routing the requested web page to your computer. While this information could potentially be discerned by other entities involved in transmission, AI Web Solutions Leader does not control their privacy practices. AI Web Solutions Leader may retain client information from its systems indefinitely after transmitting the web page but does not correlate it with individual browsing activity unless necessary for security investigations. Under Florida Public Records Laws, certain records, including retained client information, may be subject to inspection. Essential and nonessential technical information enables AI Web Solutions Leader to respond to requests appropriately and plan website improvements. AI Web Solutions Leader's website use cookies to tailor content based on your browsing behavior. AI Web Solutions Leader also uses non-identifying aggregate information for website design without disclosing individual-specific details.

Optional Information:

Providing optional information allows AI Web Solutions Leader to offer tailored services, appointment scheduling, forward inquiries to appropriate entities, and plan website enhancements. Information provided for service requests is only used to fulfill those requests and is not shared with external parties beyond what is necessary to complete the order. Provided to us email addresses and cell phone numbers are used solely for responding to received emails and text messages and are not shared externally according state policies. AI Web Solutions Leader never utilizes or shares personally identifiable information provided online for unrelated purposes without clear notice and opt-out options. AI Web Solutions Leader never shares mobile information with third parties/affiliates for marketing/promotional purposes. All other categories exclude text messaging originator opt-in data and consent; this information will not be shared with any third parties. Aggregated and de-identified personal information may still be used by AI Web Solutions Leader for legal compliance, dispute resolution, and agreement enforcement. AI Web Solutions Leader's website, unless specifically labeled for children, are intended for adult use. AI Web Solutions Leader does not knowingly collect personal information from children under 13 years old without parental consent. Parents are encouraged to supervise their children's internet usage and teach safe online practices regarding personal information sharing. Parents have rights to review, limit, consent to, or request deletion of their child's information recorded by our website(s).

4. EU GDPR Rights

As per the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), if you are located within the European Union (EU) and interact with our website, you are entitled to the following rights:

To exercise any of these rights, please contact us using the information provided in our privacy policy. We will respond to your request in accordance with applicable data protection laws. Additionally, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the relevant Data Protection Authority if you believe that your rights under the GDPR have been infringed.

5. Protection and Retention of Information

At AI Web Solutions Leader, we take the protection and retention of your information seriously. We employ industry-standard security measures to safeguard your personal data from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. Our security practices are continuously reviewed and updated to ensure compliance with the latest regulatory requirements and best practices in data protection. Some of the measures we implement to protect your information include:

6. Contact Us

If you have other questions or concerns about all aforementioned privacy policies, please call us at +1(689)289-4089 or send us an e-mail to

7. Changes to this Policy

AI Web Solutions Leader reserves the right to change this Policy at any time. All updates of this Policy are available on this web page.